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How can I change the PowerShell prompt to show just the parent directory and current directory?

I would like to shorten my PowerShell prompt so that it just shows the parent directory and the current directory. For example, if the pwd is


I want the prompt to be:

PS ..\python-basics\Demos> 

I can get it to be just PS ..\Demos> by changing the prompt() function in the Profile file:

  1. Find location of Profile file by running $profile in PowerShell.
  2. Open (or create and open) Profile file.
  3. Change (or add) the following prompt() function:

function prompt
  $folder = "$( ( get-item $pwd ).Name )"
  "PS ..\$folder> "

I tried using split() and negative indexing, but wasn't able to get it to work.

Also, I only want to do this if the pwd is at least two levels down. If the pwd is something like C:\folder\folder, I'd like to show the default prompt.

Any ideas?


  • Try the following function, which should work on Windows and Unix-like platforms (in PowerShell Core) alike:

    function global:prompt {
      $dirSep = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
      $pathComponents = $PWD.Path.Split($dirSep)
      $displayPath = if ($pathComponents.Count -le 3) {
      } else {
        '…{0}{1}' -f $dirSep, ($pathComponents[-2,-1] -join $dirSep)
      "PS {0}$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) " -f $displayPath

    Note that I've chosen single character (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, U+2026) to represent the omitted part of the path, because .. could be confused with referring to the parent directory.

    Note: The non-ASCII-range character is only properly recognized if the enclosing script file - assumed to be your $PROFILE file - is either saved as UTF-8 with BOM[1] or as UTF-16LE ("Unicode").

    If, for some reason, that doesn't work for you, use three distinct periods ('...' instead of '…'), though note that that will result in a longer prompt.

    [1] The BOM is only a necessity in Windows PowerShell; by contrast, PowerShell Core assumes UTF-8 by default, so no BOM is needed.