I understand that Suspense components are the React-ian approach to code splitting, which makes webpages load faster. Now, say you have a component hierarchy like this:
<Suspense fallback={<FirstLoader/>}>
<Suspense fallback={<SecondLoader/>}>
Assume first that only InnerWrapper
is lazy-loaded, and in the second case they are both lazy loaded.
Does React defer the loading of InnerWrapper
after OuterWrapper
is loaded, or are they both loaded simultaneously? Specifically, whether the rendering of the 2nd Suspense's fallback is deferred after the first component is loaded.
Does React defer the loading of InnerWrapper after OuterWrapper is loaded, or are they both loaded simultaneously? Specifically, whether the rendering of the 2nd Suspense's fallback is deferred after the first component is loaded.
Rendering of the second Suspense
will be delayed until OuterWrapper
. Everything you pass to OuterWrapper
as children:
<Suspense fallback={<SecondLoader/>}>
Is passed to OuterWrapper
as props.children
when it is going to be rendered. So, rendering of second Suspense
can only happen when OuterWrapper
is fetched and executed.
Also, in the case when InnerWrapper
is lazy-loaded, it going to be fetched after OuterWrapper
is rendered. So, in this case, both components aren't fetched in parallel but one after another.
I've created an example to show it here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/dusty-ghoul
you can play with delay after which scripts are going to be send to the client by modifying delay
parameter here:
// public/index.js
const OuterWrapper = React.lazy(() => import("./OuterWrapper.js?delay=5000"));
const InnerWrapper = React.lazy(() => import("./InnerWrapper.js?delay=1000"));