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Permission denied for read pickle-file under scheduler and bash script

I have an executable bash script (.sh) which should be run 2 python scripts consistently (only when first is successfully finished then the second one will be started), has the following view:

scripts='/path/to/file/ /path/to/file/'
for s in $scripts
    echo $s
    /usr/bin/python3 $s

As a scheduler I use crontab job:

26 14 10-23 * * cd /path/to/file/ && /path/to/file/ >> /home/log/crontab_LOG.log 2>&1

In process of data aggregation in python scripts I use .pickle files. But, in result of execution the suggested python scripts ( and by .sh file, I received and error:

PermissionError [Errno 13 ] Permission denied: '/path/to/file/example.pickle'

btw: example.pickle file is created in process of execute,not out of run where it used.

When try to execute sh by terminal without any scheduler, there is no any error to permissions. So, result is success.

I also try to search my question, but it was not success. (Permission denied for Python script using Bash?), IO Error while storing data in pickle

The question is how I can set the the root permission by bash script to required python scripts?


  • It was fixed by usage approach with Path:

    from pathlib import Path
    example_pickle = Path('logs/example_pickle''.pickle')

    Thanks everyone for the inspired ideas:)