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How can I properly map RealmDB Results objects to SwiftUI Lists?

I am trying to display results of a realmdb query in a SwiftUI list but have trouble when deleting database objects.

I am trying to use something like this:

final class DBData: ObservableObject{

let didChange = PassthroughSubject<DBData, Never>()

private var notificationTokens: [NotificationToken] = []
var events = try! Realm().objects(ADMEvent.self)
@Published var events: [ADMEvent] = []
init() {
    // Observe changes in the underlying model
    self.notificationTokens.append(posts.observe { _ in = Array(self.posts)

Which works if I display items In a list but the moment I use realm.deleteAll() the app crashes because it looks like Swift UI's list implementation is trying to diff the list, accessing the now invalidated realm db objects.

There are like 3 or 4 similar questions on stack overflow but they are all out of date in one way or another, or work but still have this issue when it comes to deletion.



  • Realm objects are live an autoupdating this is why they crash when you try to hold onto a deleted object. Instead of giving your publish subject the Realm.Object map it to a struct that has only the fields you need to use and use that array to drive SwiftUI.

    struct Event: Identifiable {
      var id: String
      var name: String
      var date: Date
    final class DBData: ObservableObject {
    private var notificationTokens: [NotificationToken] = []
    var events = try! Realm().objects(ADMEvent.self)
    @Published var publishedEvents: [ADMEvent] = []
    init() {
        // Observe changes in the underlying model
        self.notificationTokens.append(posts.observe { _ in
            self.publishedEvents = { Event(id: $, name: $, date: $}