The assignment requires us to toggle ON LEDs if SW1 is pressed by using polling. I believe I am setting the direction of each port and reading the register correctly. However nothing happens when I press SW1. There is no way to debug and breakpoint the code while the code is running to see whats in the registers.
[HWGuide] states: [HWGuide]:
//LED0 = PR0 (PORTR PIN 0)
//LED1 = PR1 (PORTR PIN 1)
//SW1 = PF1 (PORTF PIN 1)
[Datasheet] states: [Datasheet]:
//PORTR starts at address = 0x07E0
//PORTF starts at address = 0x06A0
[Manual] states: [Manual]:
//Data Input Value register on I/O = (Addr) + 0x08 = 0x06A8 (PORTF)
#define PORTR *((volatile unsigned char *)0x7E0) /* I/O Port Register */
#define PORTF *((volatile unsigned char *)0x6A0) /* I/O Port Register */
#define PORTF_IN *((volatile unsigned char *)0x6A8) //PORTF Input Value Reg
#define PORTR_OUTTGL *((volatile unsigned char *)0x7E7) //LED Toggle Reg
#define ReadReg(port) (port)
#define WriteReg(port, value) (port = value)
int main(void)
//set PORTR direction
WriteReg(PORTR, 0xFF);
//set PORTF direction
WriteReg(PORTF, 0x00);
if((ReadReg(PORTF_IN) == 0xFD)) //if PF1 = 0
WriteReg(PORTR_OUTTGL, 0x3); //toggle LEDs
I expect the register to read either (0x02)0000 0010 or the inverse (0xFD)1111 1101 and LEDs to turn on or off if the button is pressed.
Used bit manipulation to isolate the bit I was trying to poll for. Had no idea what the other bits could have been set to.
int main(void)
//set PORTR direction
WriteReg(PORTR, 0xFF);
//set PORTF direction
WriteReg(PORTF, 0xF9);
char statusPF1 = (ReadReg(PORTF_IN) & 0x02) >> 1;
char statusPF2 = (ReadReg(PORTF_IN) & 0x04) >> 2;
if((statusPF1 == 0)) //if PF1 = 0
WriteReg(PORTR_OUTTGL, 0x01); //toggle LED0
if((statusPF2 == 0)) //if PF2 = 0
WriteReg(PORTR_OUTTGL, 0x02); //toggle LED1
if ((statusPF1 != 0) && (statusPF2 != 0))