I'm trying to thinly wrap around a singleton version of a list. I have trouble deconstructing it. Here's a minimal implementation:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
module InductiveWrapper where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import GHC.Prim (coerce)
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
data SList :: [ k ] -> Type where
SNil :: SList '[]
SCons :: Proxy k -> SList ks -> SList (k ': ks)
newtype Set a = S [ a ]
data SSet :: Set k -> Type where
SS :: SList xs -> SSet ('S xs)
type family Add (el :: k) (set :: Set k) :: Set k where
Add el ('S xs) = 'S (el ': xs)
uncons :: forall k (el :: k) (set :: Set k)
. SSet (Add el set) -> (Proxy el, SSet set)
uncons (SS (x `SCons` xs)) = (x, SS xs)
Here's the relevant bit of the error:
Could not deduce: set ~ 'S ks
from the context: Add el set ~ 'S xs
bound by a pattern with constructor:
SS :: forall k (xs :: [k]). SList xs -> SSet ('S xs),
in an equation for ‘uncons’
or from: xs ~ (k1 : ks)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
SCons :: forall k1 (k2 :: k1) (ks :: [k1]).
Proxy k2 -> SList ks -> SList (k2 : ks),
• Relevant bindings include
xs :: SList ks (bound at InductiveWrapper.hs:37:29)
x :: Proxy k1 (bound at InductiveWrapper.hs:37:19)
xs' :: SList xs (bound at InductiveWrapper.hs:37:14)
s :: SSet (Add el set) (bound at InductiveWrapper.hs:37:8)
The problem as I understand is that Add el set
gets stuck because the type checker doesn't understand that the only way set
could be constructed is by using 'S
How do I unstuck it or resolve this problem by other means? Apart from using type
instead of newtype
. The whole reason I'm doing this is to completely hide the use of [ k ]
and SList
Type families are non-injective, which technically means that you can't go from result to arguments, right to left. Except not. GHC 8.0 introduced TypeFamilyDependencies
, which lets you specify injectivity for type families, like this:
type family Add (el :: k) (set :: Set k) = (set' :: Set k) | set' -> el set where
Add el ('S xs) = 'S (el ': xs)
However, for some reason that I don't yet completely understand, this still doesn't work in your case, causing the same issue. I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that the list in question is double wrapped, not sure.
But I do have another workaround: you can ditch the whole injectivity issue and specify your type family the other way around - from the list to the tuple. Except you'd need two type families - one for head and one for tail:
type family Head set where Head ('S (el ': xs)) = el
type family Tail set where Tail ('S (el ': xs)) = 'S xs
uncons :: SSet set -> (Proxy (Head set), SSet (Tail set))
uncons (SS (x `SCons` xs)) = (x, SS xs)
But this seems a bit overengineered to me. If you just need to uncons these type sets, I would go with a good ol' type class, which has the unbeatable advantage of wrapping types and values together, so you don't have to jump through hoops to match them manually:
class Uncons set res | set -> res where
uncons :: SSet set -> res
instance Uncons ('S (el ': xs)) (Proxy el, SSet ('S xs)) where
uncons (SS (x `SCons` xs)) = (x, SS xs)