I am trying to clone all repositories in my team's project in BitBucket.
I want to extract the url and the name from the JSON returned from the REST call and use those values to clone
Below is what I have
curl -s http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos?per_page=20 ^
-u user:pass | H:\Downloads\Win64\jq-win64.exe -r ".values[] | .links.clone[] | select(.name==\"http\") | .href" ^
H:\Utilities\Git\usr\bin\xargs.exe -L1 git clone -b release/development
This works for the url, but what I want to do is also change the name of the directory to the Name attribute, e.g. GitRepository1, GitRepository2 etc., instead of gitrepo1, gitrepo2 that is used automatically when that parameter is not passed
So, something similar to
curl -s http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos?per_page=20 ^
-u user:pass | H:\Downloads\Win64\jq-win64.exe -r ".values[] | .links.clone[] | select(.name==\"http\") | .href" ^
H:\Utilities\Git\usr\bin\xargs.exe -L1 git clone -b release/development git_url dir_name
I need help with the jq command to select the two attributes and pass to the xargs command
And this is the json structure
"size": 25,
"limit": 25,
"isLastPage": false,
"values": [
"slug": "gitrepo1",
"id": 2216,
"name": "GitRepository1",
"scmId": "git",
"state": "AVAILABLE",
"statusMessage": "Available",
"forkable": true,
"project": {
"key": "PROJECT_NAME",
"id": 1369,
"name": "PROJECT_NAME",
"description": "ABC Team",
"public": false,
"type": "NORMAL",
"links": {
"self": [
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/projects/PROJECT_NAME"
"public": false,
"links": {
"clone": [
"href": "ssh://git@bitbucketlocalserver:7999/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo1.git",
"name": "ssh"
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/scm/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo1.git",
"name": "http"
"self": [
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos/gitrepo1/browse"
"slug": "gitrepo2",
"id": 2214,
"name": "GitRepository2",
"scmId": "git",
"state": "AVAILABLE",
"statusMessage": "Available",
"forkable": true,
"project": {
"key": "PROJECT_NAME",
"id": 1369,
"name": "PROJECT_NAME",
"description": "ABC Team",
"public": false,
"type": "NORMAL",
"links": {
"self": [
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/projects/PROJECT_NAME"
"public": false,
"links": {
"clone": [
"href": "ssh://git@bitbucketlocalserver:7999/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo2.git",
"name": "ssh"
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/scm/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo2.git",
"name": "http"
"self": [
"href": "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos/gitrepo2/browse"
"start": 0,
"nextPageStart": 25
Is it possible? How can I do it?
The command below gives the output needed
curl -s http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos?limit=100 ^
-u user:pass | H:\Downloads\Win64\jq-win64.exe -r "[.values[] | ((.links.clone[] | select(.name==\"http\") | .href) + \" \" + .name)]"
The output from this command is
"http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/scm/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo1.git GitRepository1",
"http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/scm/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo1.git GitRepository2"