I'm using docker on windows. After I created image from Dockerfile docker build -t my-laravel-image
in my laravel project I tried to run it docker run -p 8000:8000 my-laravel-image
but got the error in the browser ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
After some digging I found that it is because /storage
and /vendor
doesn't have right permissions to write. However, I red on linux forum, that to to give permissions to everyone with chmod 777
is bad so I should change owner with chown
, however, I could find command which would do the job on Powershell, so I'm asking you for help
the tutorial I am following is https://www.techiediaries.com/docker-compose-laravel/
Tried this ICACLS "C:\Users\Dominykas\Projects\laravel" /setowner "administrator"
it succeded, but I get the same error
docker exec -it <your container> chown -R myuser:mygroup laraveldir