How can I modify and deploy 1 job (ex: rebuild the jar file with changing job A) on SCDF but the other jobs in that jar file are still running.
I'm setting up a Spring Batch Job on Spring Cloud Data Flow. There are multiple jobs (A,B,C,...) in my Spring Batch project. I have built a jar file from my project and deployed it on SCDF. I have used --spring.batch.job.names=A/B/C/...when launching tasks to run each job separately. I have tried on creating a new jar and replace it with the old one but it's not work because the old jar is still running.
I have multiple classes related to multiple job and extends from CommonBatchConfiguration:
public class jobAclass extends CommonBatchConfiguration{
public Job jobA() {
return jobBuilderFactory
.get("jobA ")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step stepA1() {
return stepBuilderFactory
public Tasklet taskletA1() {
return (contribution, chunkContext) -> {
return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;
public class jobBclass extends CommonBatchConfiguration{
public Job jobB() {
return jobBuilderFactory
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step stepB1() {
return stepBuilderFactory
public Tasklet taskletB1() {
return (contribution, chunkContext) -> {
return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;
public class CommonBatchConfiguration {
public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
I expect to modify 1 jobs in file jar and deploy it without effect the others
It looks like you need Composed tasks (configured as batch jobs) in your case and you can have the composed tasks deployed as individual tasks (batch applications). For more details on composed tasks, you can see here.
The feature of modifying one of the jobs' version without affecting the other tasks is something being addressed in 2.3.x of SCDF and you can watch the epic here