i written the below code to get like this
SELECT `temp2`.`UserId` AS `UserId`,
`temp2`.`ScheduleDate` AS `ScheduleDate`,
`temp1`.`UserId` AS `UserId`,
`temp1`.`ScheduleDate` AS `ScheduleDate`,
`temp1`.`DueDate` AS `DueDate`,
`temp1`.`CompletedState` AS `CompletedState`,
IF(((`temp1`.`CompletedState` = 0) AND ((`temp1`.`ScheduleDate` - CURDATE()) <= 0)), (TO_DAYS(`temp1`.`DueDate`) - TO_DAYS(CURDATE())), 0) AS `daystodue`
`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`UserId` AS `UserId`,
CAST(`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`CourseModule_ScheduleDateID` AS date) AS `ScheduleDate`,
CAST(`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`CourseModule_dueDateID` AS date) AS `DueDate`,
`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`CourseModuleComplete_completionstate` AS `CompletedState`
FROM `fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`
WHERE ((`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`CourseModule_dueDateID` > 0)
AND ((CAST(`fd_dw`.`ComplianceFactTable`.`CourseModule_dueDateID` AS date) - CURDATE()) > 0))) `temp1`) `temp2`
WHERE `temp2`.`UserId` IN (223699,223741,223780,223678,243988,380316,388737,121896,491562)
I got this output when i executed the above query
ID Date value
121896 2019-12-06 0
121896 2019-11-06 0
121896 2020-01-06 0
223678 2019-12-23 0
223678 2019-11-23 0
223678 2020-01-23 0
223678 2019-10-23 43
223699 2019-12-23 0
223699 2019-11-23 0
223699 2020-01-23 0
223699 2019-10-23 43
223741 2019-12-23 0
223741 2019-11-23 0
223741 2020-01-23 0
223741 2019-10-23 43
223780 2019-12-23 0
223780 2019-11-23 0
223780 2020-01-23 0
223780 2019-10-23 43
243988 2019-10-15 21
243988 2020-01-15 0
243988 2019-12-15 0
380316 2019-10-05 0
380316 2019-11-05 0
380316 2019-12-05 0
380316 2020-01-05 0
388737 2019-10-23 29
388737 2019-11-23 0
388737 2020-01-23 0
388737 2019-12-23 0
491562 2019-10-17 7
491562 2019-10-17 7
491562 2019-10-17 23
491562 2019-11-17 0
491562 2019-12-17 0
491562 2020-01-17 0
491562 2019-10-17 7
491562 2019-10-17 7
but i want something like this
121896 2019-11-06 0
223678 2019-10-23 43
223699 2019-10-23 43
223741 2019-10-23 43
223780 2019-10-23 43
243988 2019-10-15 21
380316 2019-10-05 0
388737 2019-10-23 29
491562 2019-10-17 7
I understand that, for each id, you want to record with the minimum date. When there are multiple records with the minimum date, you want the one with the minimm date.
In MySQL 8.0, you can use window functions:
select id, date, value
from (
row_number() over(partition by id order by date, value) rn
from mytable t
) t
where rn = 1
In earlier versions, you can use a correlated suquery for filtering:
select id, date, min(value) value
from mytable t
where t.date = (
select t1.date from mytable t1 where t1.id = t.id order by t1.date, t1.value limit 1
group by id, date
select id, date, min(value) value
from mytable t
where t.date = (select min(t1.date) from mytable t1 where t1.id = t.id)
group by id, date
In this demo on DB Fiddle, all 3 queries return:
| id | date | value |
| ------ | ---------- | ----- |
| 121896 | 2019-11-06 | 0 |
| 223678 | 2019-10-23 | 43 |
| 223699 | 2019-10-23 | 43 |
| 223741 | 2019-10-23 | 43 |
| 223780 | 2019-10-23 | 43 |
| 243988 | 2019-10-15 | 21 |
| 380316 | 2019-10-05 | 0 |
| 388737 | 2019-10-23 | 29 |
| 491562 | 2019-10-17 | 7 |