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Remove tomcat autostart

When I run ubuntu, the tomcat server I have installed runs automatically and I have to switch it off manually. I want tomcat not to start automatically on boot. How to disable tomcat's startup on boot?


  • -> first: find out the name of the service. for example: tomcat or tomcat6

    Than: try this:

    sudo update-rc.d tomcat remove

    You can use the following tool:

    sudo sysv-rc-conf

    If this doesn't work, the next will work

    1.) find out your current runlevel


    2.) (re)move the startscript from the runlevel directory /etc/rcX.d (wher X is the number of the current runlevel) Example:

    mv /etc/rc5.d/S90tomcat /etc/rc5.d/disable.S90tomcat

    The script starts with S and an Number (for example S90tomcat), which means: S=stratscript for tomcat, Start at position 90.

    Simply delete or move that script.

    3.) Finally also remove the stop-Script (Kill Script) which looks like /etc/rcX.d/Kyytomcat where yy is an number between 0-99 and X is the runlevel, you still know.

    mv /etc/rc5.d/K01tomcat /etc/rc5.d/disable.K01tomcat

    Look at this