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U-boot environment is not the same as Linux "fw_printenv"

I've build an image for my Jetson Nano with yocto using the meta-tegra layer.

This build is using u-boot as bootloader which is set to save the environment on an MMC partition (mmcblk0p14).

gdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0 shows the following:

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
  14        20996096        20998143   1024.0 KiB  8300  UBOOTENV

And the sector size is 512.

I've then configured u-boot-tegra/include/configs/p3450-porg.h with:

/* Env is located in it's own partition */
#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV      1
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET       (20996096 * 512)

Where CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET = Start_Sector * Block_Size

This works fine (as far as I can see) as the environment is saved successfully to MMC when i use saveenv.

However, the environment i get when i print it in u-boot shell is NOT the same as when i print the environment with fw_printenv u-boot tool. I have set the /etc/fw_env.config to:

# Device name   Device offset   Env size
/dev/mmcblk0p14       0          0x2000

So what I've gathered is that, either the fw_env.config is set wrong or the u-boot environment is saved somewhere else on the MMC and no the partition 14.

Does anyone have suggestions to what i could try?


Doing dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p14 of=tmp.txt and reading the tmp.txt file shows the environment that the fw_printenv shows and not the environment I'm seeing in u-boot shell.

So something must be wrong in the u-boot-tegra/include/configs/p3450-porg.h configuration. I just wonder where it actually writes the environment to when i do a saveenv...

Any Idea what I can try to change?


  • As stated in the comments to the question, the offset is a 32-bit integer so attempting to give it the value of more than 4,294,967,295 (which 20996096 * 512 is) is not gonna work.

    To fix it, I've rearranged my partition scheme to have my uboot environment partition as partition 1 instead of 14 and changed the fw_env.config and p3450-porg.h patch accordingly.