Sending traces from an existing instrumented Spring Boot application to honeycomb-opentracing-proxy is failing with the following error in the proxy console:
time="2019-10-25T02:51:55Z" level=info msg="error unmarshaling spans" error="json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field binaryAnnotation.value of type string" type=application/json
Spring Boot Version: 2.1.3.RELEASE Spring Cloud Sleuth Version: 2.1.1.RELEASE
Running the open tracing proxy with the following docker command:
docker run -p 9411:9411 honeycombio/honeycomb-opentracing-proxy -k $KEY -d $DATA_SET
From reading the documentation here the honeycomb-opentracing-proxy only supports v1 of the JSON API so I have explicitly set that in spring cloud config as this appears to default to v2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
probably best to have the issue you raised in github vs cross posting. it is a bug