What is the correct way to create a generic collection using RxJava? If I do the following, I get a type mismatch because it returns a Single<List<MyObj>>. I have also tried flatMapSingle() and collect(), but I'm not sure how to give it the correct types.
public Single<Collection<MyObj>> someMethod() {
Observable<Collection<MyObj>> someObservable = getData();
return someObservable
.flatMapIterable(item -> item)
Unfortunately, Java doesn't have co- and contravariance like other languages have, thus Observable<List<T>>
can't be assigned to Observable<Collection<T>>
. You have to upcast the value type manually:
public Single<Collection<MyObj>> someMethod() {
Observable<Collection<MyObj>> someObservable = getData();
return someObservable
.flatMapIterable(item -> item)
.map(list -> (Collection<MyObj>)list);