I'm having an Arduino setup with a mini displayed. It's programmed so whatever I type into the serial "command line" will be printed to the display.
First Line
This works fine if the txt file only has one Line
import serial
import tim
f = open("Foods.txt", "r")
lines = f.readline()
for line in lines:
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART", 115200, timeout=1)
commandToSend = lines
Output is this this:
First Line
If I add lines to "Foods.txt":
First Line
Second Line
Third Line
Fourth Line
I get this output (first line 11 times):
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
First Line
If I change f.readlines()
to lines instead of line in order to read multiple lines one by one, it also kind of works but I got the problem that it will not add the carriage return to each line (\r) so after using the script nothing happens
import serial
import time
f = open("Foods.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART", 115200, timeout=1)
commandToSend = lines
So I Screen into the device and press ender and I get
["first Line\n", "Second Line\n". "Third Line\n","Fourth Line\n"]
["first Line\n", "Second Line\n". "Third Line\n","Fourth Line\n"]
["first Line\n", "Second Line\n". "Third Line\n","Fourth Line\n"].
["first Line\n", "Second Line\n". "Third Line\n","Fourth Line\n"]
Which means that it send them to the serial console but it didn't press "enter" to send them and as soon as I ran the first script it pressed enter for all of it.
How do I add \r to it?
If I do it like this:
import serial
import time
f = open("Foods.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART", 115200, timeout=1)
commandToSend = lines\r
I get
commandToSend = lines\r
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
The second approach looks right to me, the problem is that you are setting commandToSend
to lines
, which is a list of all the lines, what you want to send instead is line
(the current line in the list you are looping on).
So your code should be:
import serial
import time
f = open("Foods.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART', 115200, timeout = 1)
commandToSend = line
Also, if you wanted to add a carriage return, you would have to concatenate it as a string, eg:
line + '\r'
'%s\r' % line
Depending on preferences / Python version