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SwiftNIO: Send and receive UDP broadcast

I'm trying to build a TCP server with SwiftNIO. The server starts in the net, but the clients don't know the ip address. Therefore I want to start an UDP server as well and if the clients comes up, he sends a broadcast message to the net. The server will receive and answer, so that the client now knows the IP address.

Is it possible to build something like this with SwiftNIO?


  • Yes, that's possible also there's not much support in SwiftNIO to make this easy. See below for a commented example which will send HELLO WORLD once a second to en0's broadcast address and port 37020.

    import NIO
    let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
    defer {
        try! group.syncShutdownGracefully()
    let matchingInterfaces = try System.enumerateInterfaces().filter {
        // find an IPv4 interface named en0 that has a broadcast address.
        $ == "en0" && $0.broadcastAddress != nil
    guard let en0Interface = matchingInterfaces.first, let broadcastAddress = en0Interface.broadcastAddress else {
        print("ERROR: No suitable interface found. en0 matches \(matchingInterfaces)")
    // let's bind the server socket
    let server = try! DatagramBootstrap(group: group)
        // enable broadast
        .channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST), value: 1)
        .bind(to: en0Interface.address)
    print("bound to \(server.localAddress!)")
    var buffer = server.allocator.buffer(capacity: 32)
    buffer.writeString("HELLO WORLD!")
    var destAddr = broadcastAddress
    destAddr.port = 37020 // we're sending to port 37020
    // now let's just send the buffer once a second. .seconds(1),
                                      delay: .seconds(1),
                                      notifying: nil) { task in
        server.writeAndFlush(AddressedEnvelope(remoteAddress: destAddr,data: buffer)).map {
            print("message sent to \(destAddr)")
        }.whenFailure { error in
            print("ERROR: \(error)")
            // and stop if there's an error.
            server.close(promise: nil)
    try server.closeFuture.wait()

    In case you want to bind to and send to you can use this

    import NIO
    let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
    defer {
        try! group.syncShutdownGracefully()
    // let's bind the server socket
    let server = try! DatagramBootstrap(group: group)
        // enable broadast
        .channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST), value: 1)
        .bind(to: .init(ipAddress: "", port: 0))
    print("bound to \(server.localAddress!)")
    var buffer = server.allocator.buffer(capacity: 32)
    buffer.writeString("HELLO WORLD!")
    // we're sending to port 37020
    let destPort = 37020
    let destAddress = try SocketAddress(ipAddress: "", port: destPort)
    // now let's just send the buffer once a second. .seconds(1),
                                      delay: .seconds(1),
                                      notifying: nil) { task in
        server.writeAndFlush(AddressedEnvelope(remoteAddress: destAddress, data: buffer)).map {
            print("message sent to \(destAddress)")
        }.whenFailure { error in
            print("ERROR: \(error)")
            // and stop if there's an error.
            server.close(promise: nil)
    try server.closeFuture.wait()