Search code examples

Empty SPARQL Query Result

Trying to run a SPARQL query against a local ttl file. I have done this successfully before, but not this one. I suspect it has something to do with namespaces.

Tried printing out what the query was, and all I get is "rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor.SPARQLResult at 0x1fbe05d3400" so there IS somthing there.

Here is the ttl file

 # filename: ex050.ttl

 @prefix foaf: <> . 

         foaf:nick "Dick" ;  
         foaf:givenname "Richard" ; 
         foaf:mbox "" ;
         foaf:surname "Mutt" ;
         foaf:workplaceHomepage <> ;
         foaf:aimChatID "bridesbachelor" . 

And here is the python code firing off the SPARQL query

 filename = "C:/DataStuff/SemanticOntology/LearningSPARQLExamples/ex050.ttl" 
 import rdflib
 g = rdflib.Graph()

 result = g.parse(filename, format='ttl')
 query = """
 PREFIX foaf: <> 
 PREFIX rdfs: <>

 SELECT ?propertyLabel ?value 
   ?s ?property ?value . 
   ?property rdfs:label ?propertyLabel . 


 for row in results:

I know it is something basic that I screwed up. Please help!


  • Okay - pouring over the RDFILB specs (, I discovered that you can parse multiple files/urls one after the other. The result is a merged file. So knowing that the foaf file I was interested in could be downloaded at

    I got the file, then altered the program to:

    filename = "C:/DataStuff/SemanticOntology/LearningSPARQLExamples/ex050.ttl" 
    filename2 = "C:/DataStuff/SemanticOntology/LearningSPARQLExamples/index.rdf"
    g = rdflib.Graph()
    g.parse(filename, format='ttl')
    query = """
    PREFIX foaf: <> 
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?propertyLabel ?value 
      ?s ?property ?value . 
      ?property rdfs:label ?propertyLabel . 
    for row in results:

    Which then worked, printing out:

    (rdflib.term.Literal('Given name'), rdflib.term.Literal('Richard'))
    (rdflib.term.Literal('Surname'), rdflib.term.Literal('Mutt'))
    (rdflib.term.Literal('AIM chat ID'), rdflib.term.Literal('bridesbachelor'))
    (rdflib.term.Literal('personal mailbox'), rdflib.term.Literal(''))
    (rdflib.term.Literal('workplace homepage'), rdflib.term.URIRef(''))
    (rdflib.term.Literal('nickname'), rdflib.term.Literal('Dick'))

    printing out the labels of all the human readable properties in my original data file, even though I didn't define those properties.

    I imagine that the step of downloading the file could be skipped by directly using the URL in the second parse statement. However I cannot do this as I am in a corporate environment and I don't see a way of using the parse statement with a proxy.