I'm trying to set up sharding for mongoDB.
The Shard is created successfully but everytime I try to populate the collection with help of a json file, I get the following error: Document does not contain shard key for pattern
Im declaring the shard using the following command:
mongoimport --host localhost --port 1000 --db velo --collection Users "path"
This is the json file im trying to populate my collection with:
"Users": [
"Email": "Lars.Bouman@gmail.com",
"Number": "156 ",
"UserId": 1,
"Zipcode": "2060",
"Street": "Somméstraat",
"City": "Antwerpen",
"CountryCode": "BE",
"Name": "Bouman Lars"
"Email": "Julia.van.der.Zee@telenet.be",
"Number": "43 ",
"UserId": 2,
"Zipcode": "2610",
"Street": "Europalaan",
"City": "Wilrijk (Antwerpen)",
"CountryCode": "BE",
"Name": "van der Zee Julia"
I've already tried using "Users.Zipcode" but I get the same error.
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance
Assuming that you want your sharded collection to contain one user per document, your json (put into a file named Users.json in this example) should be
"Email": "Lars.Bouman@gmail.com",
"Number": "156 ",
"UserId": 1,
"Zipcode": "2060",
"Street": "Somméstraat",
"City": "Antwerpen",
"CountryCode": "BE",
"Name": "Bouman Lars"
"Email": "Julia.van.der.Zee@telenet.be",
"Number": "43 ",
"UserId": 2,
"Zipcode": "2610",
"Street": "Europalaan",
"City": "Wilrijk (Antwerpen)",
"CountryCode": "BE",
"Name": "van der Zee Julia"
and then assuming that your json is in a file named "Users.json" your mongoimport command would be as follows:
mongoimport --host localhost --port 1000 --db velo --collection Users --file=Users.json --jsonArray