Search code examples

Aggregation on multiple fields - elasticsearch

How to use multiple aggregation in elasticsearch. My code works for single aggregation but I want to add another aggregation. I use another aggs for that but its parsing an exception.

 { "aggs": {
                "_figures": {
                  "terms": {
                    "field": "id"
                  "aggs": {
                    "field1": {
                      "stats": {
                        "field": "field1"


  • This works for me now. Using below code I can work with multiple aggregations

     {"aggs": {
            "emp_figures": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "id"
              "aggs": {
                "field1": {
                  "stats": {
                    "field": "field1"

    And also this is the way to works with multiple aggregation with java

     SearchResponse getResponse = 
            client.prepareSearch( ElasticSearchConstants.INDEX ).setTypes( ElasticSearchConstants.TBL)
                .addAggregation( AggregationBuilders.terms( FIGURE)
                                        .field( "id" )
                .subAggregation( AggregationBuilders.stats( "stats" ).field( field1 ) )
                .subAggregation( AggregationBuilders.stats( "stats" ).field( field2) ).size( 100 ) )
                                .setQuery( query )
                                .setFrom( 0 )