Search code examples

Textpattern search with printout of line

I'm an Network Engineer an I wrote a small but effective PS Script to search logs(or any file for that matter) for textpatterns. Now this script only outputs the line, filename and so on. Now I wanted to extend the script so that when it finds a line, it'll tell me the line, filename and so on but also the contents of that line.

So it should look like this:

LineNumber Filename            Path                           Pattern                                  
---------- --------            ----                           -------                                  
4          190719_Success.log  C:\skripte\190719_Success.log  test 

Text that's on Line 4 of the .log should appear here

5          190719_Success.log  C:\skripte\190719_Success.log  test  

Text thats on Line 5 of the .log should appear here

Sorry for the formatting, I hope you get what I mean.

Since I'm relatively new to PS Scripting Im kinda lost how I should achieve this goal or if thats even possible.

Here is my code sofar:

$Pfad = Read-Host "Bitte Pfad angeben" #Enter Directory Path to Search
$Suchbegriff = Read-Host "Suchbegriff eingeben" #Enter Pattern to search for
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\Skripte -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' #create C:\Skripte Folder
Remove-Item -Path C:\Skripte\Suchergebnis.txt -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' #Cleanup from previous run
Remove-Item -Path C:\Skripte\Indizierung.csv -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' #Cleanup
cd $Pfad 

echo $file.fullname
echo ""
select-string -Path .\*.* -Pattern "$Suchbegriff" -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Select-Object LineNumber,Filename,Path,Pattern | ft -wrap #Search the specified Directory
echo ""

while(($Create = Read-Host -Prompt "Unterordner durchsuchen? J für Ja, N für Nein") -ne "x") #Userinput if Subdirectorys should be searched aswell
 switch ($Create)

Get-Childitem  -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Export-CSV -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Path C:\Skripte\Indizierung.csv #Get all Subdirectorys and put them in a CSV, two GCI are needed to reliably get all subdirectories.
$Files = import-csv -Delimiter ',' -Path C:\Skripte\Indizierung.csv #Import CSV
foreach ($File in $Files)
cd $file.fullname
echo $file.fullname
echo ""
select-string -Path .\*.* -Pattern "$Suchbegriff" -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Select-Object LineNumber,Filename,Path,Pattern | ft -wrap
echo ""


  • Take a look at the following code. I added a loop for processing the files and some validation for the input + your request for the displaying the line content to the console.

    Code adapted (@Theo: thanks for input)

    #Get input
    [System.String]$SearchPath = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter path'
    [System.String]$SearchPattern = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter search pattern'
    [System.String]$SearchRecurse = Read-Host -Prompt 'Search recurse (Y/N)'
    #Validate input
    if ((-not $SearchPath) -or (-not (Test-Path -Path $SearchPath)))
        throw ('Path "' + $SearchPath + 'is not available!')
    if ((-not $SearchPattern))
        throw ('Search pattern is empty!')
    if (('Y', 'N') -notcontains $SearchRecurse)
        throw ('Search recurse parameter "' + $SearchRecurse + ' is not valid!')
    #Get all files
    Out-Host -InputObject 'Get all files...'
    [PSCustomObject[]]$Files = @()
    if ($SearchRecurse -eq 'Y')
        $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $SearchPath -File -Recurse -Force #Collect also files from subfolders
        $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $SearchPath -File -Force #Collect only files from the current folder
    #Search for string
    Out-Host -InputObject 'Search for string...'
    [PSCustomObject[]]$Output = @()
    foreach ($File in ($Files)) #Process each file
        Out-Host -InputObject $File.FullName
        $Output += Select-String -Path $File.FullName -Pattern $SearchPattern | Select-Object -Property LineNumber, Filename, Path, Pattern, Line
    $Output | Format-Table -Wrap