I try to run the wireguard project from https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple/about/ on my ios device.
I have a problem, I can't make it to work, I keep getting the following error when I try to connect:
[NET] route ip+net: sysctl: operation not supported
From my debugging, the error comes from wireguard-go library which can be found here: https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-go/
On a forum I found that from IOS 9 , sysctl is disabled. But why my build is not working, if I install wireguard from the AppStore is working.
The problem is the go version. With 1.13.3 is not working, but is working with 1.13.2. Go must be installed through brew because of:
REAL_GOROOT := $(shell which 2>/dev/null)
export GOROOT := $(BUILDDIR)/goroot
[ -n "$(REAL_GOROOT)" ]
mkdir -p "$(GOROOT)"
rsync -a --delete --exclude=pkg/obj/go-build "$(REAL_GOROOT)/" "$(GOROOT)/"
patch -p1 -f -N -r- -d "$(GOROOT)" < goruntime-boottime-over-monotonic.diff
touch "$@"
On Homebrew version 1.13.3 does not exists anymore. You need to install an old formula from here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/407fa456e9d7f94716ee6a63f151b256ed664125/Formula/go.rb
Update: They updated the code to work with go version 1.13.3, but it seems is not working for now.