I came across one piece of code where typeid
is used to get the type of a unique_ptr
pointing to a polymorphic object.
class B{virtual void foo()= 0;};
class D:public B{void foo() override{}};
int main()
unique_ptr<B> bd = make_unique<D>();
if (typeid(*bd) != typeid(bd.get()))
cout<<"Object types are not same"<<endl;
cout<<"Type name of *bd.name(): "<<typeid(*bd).name()<<endl;
cout<<"Type name of bd.get().name(): "<<typeid(bd.get()).name()<<endl;
The output is :
Object types are not of same
Type name of *bd.name(): 1D
Type name of bd.get().name(): P1B
The output of name()
is different for get() and dereferencing with *. One more observation is that when there is no virtual functions defined in the class [without void foo()
in above example], both get() and * prints same output.
Questions :
Why the get() and * gives different output when there is no virtual functions in the class ?
Live example : https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/Tiy-Cn
EDIT-1 As per * on a unique_ptr, it says "Returns the object owned by *this, equivalent to *get()."
returns a reference.
returns a pointer.
Re: your edit: Note that it says "equivalent to *get()" and not "equivalent to get()".