From the example documentation, there is the following section:
FiPy doesn’t plot or output anything unless you tell it to:
if __name__ == "__main__": viewer = Viewer(vars=(phi,), datamin=0., datamax=1.)
I understand that the current configuration would result in an opening of a viewer using the matplotlib or Mayavi viewers. However, I would like to be able to export a .pvd or .xdmf file for consolidating the simulation.
Thanks for your help!
FiPy presently has no such capability, although I've experimented a bit with XDMF and multi-timestep Gmsh MSH files, but need to find time to get back to it. You can save individual data snapshots with the VTKViewer classes, but not time series.
vw = fp.VTKCellViewer(vars=(phi, psi))
If there are particular thinks you'd like to see, please update issue #132.