Search code examples

Flexible Search Query UNION

I would like to add a UNION to this query , Where exactly Should I put any UNION (doesn't matter the code of the UNION , I just want to know where can I put it) in the following Flexible Search Query (I'm not familiar with the Syntax)

            MAX({h.startTime}) AS startTime 
        FROM {CronJobHistory AS h JOIN CronJobResult AS r ON {h.result} = {} } 
        WHERE {h.cronJobCode} = 'ordersCronJob' AND {r.code} = 'SUCCESS' 
) LAST, 
            MAX({h.startTime}) AS startTime 
        FROM {CronJobHistory as h} 
        WHERE {h.cronJobCode} = 'ordersCronJob' 
) CURRENT, {Order       AS o 
       JOIN PaymentMode AS pm ON {} = {o:paymentMode} 
       JOIN BaseStore AS b ON {} = {b.PK} 
       JOIN OrderProcess AS op ON {} = {op.order}
WHERE (({pm:code} != 'asm'  AND  {op:creationtime} > LAST.startTime        AND {op:creationtime} <= CURRENT.startTime) 
    OR ({pm:code} =  'asm'  AND  {o:asmActivationTime} > LAST.startTime   AND {o:asmActivationTime} <= CURRENT.startTime) )  
    AND {o:originalVersion} IS NULL 
    AND 'rows-eu,rows-es' LIKE CONCAT( '%', CONCAT( {b.uid} , '%' ) ) 
AND {op.processDefinitionName} LIKE 'order-process%'

I've tried putting it in the last line , but it doesn't compile.

Any hint?


  • For UNION queries or INNER queries, you will need to wrap the respective queries between double curly braces.

    {{..query1..}} UNION {{..query2..}}

    Check below example for flexible query union sample.

    SELECT uniontable.PK, uniontable.CODE FROM
          SELECT {c:PK} as PK, {c:code} AS CODE FROM {Chapter AS c}
          WHERE {c:PUBLICATION} LIKE ?pk
       UNION ALL
          SELECT {p:PK} as PK, {p:code} AS CODE FROM {Page AS p}
          WHERE {p:PUBLICATION} LIKE ?pk
    ) uniontable

    You can find FlexibleSearch Tips and Tricks at

    Hope it helps!

    Fixed the first half of your query...

      SELECT tbl.startTime FROM 
                MAX({h.startTime}) AS startTime 
            FROM {CronJobHistory AS h JOIN CronJobResult AS r ON {h.result} = {} } 
            WHERE {h.cronJobCode} = 'ordersCronJob' AND {r.code} = 'SUCCESS' 
                MAX({h.startTime}) AS startTime 
            FROM {CronJobHistory as h} 
            WHERE {h.cronJobCode} = 'ordersCronJob' 
    ) tbl