I'm trying it implement following Json string:
I have created the data classes as below:
class Sports(
val msg : List<String>,
val status : String
class Msg (
val football : List<String>,
val cricket : List<String>,
val baseball : List<String>,
val rugby : List<String>,
val gulf : List<String>
Now I'm trying to get the objects and view it in a recyclerview list as per the tutorial.
How could I change it below & call it in the adapter?
interface PostApi {
* Get the list of the pots from the API
fun getPosts(): Observable<List<Post>>
MY adapter class as below:
class PostListAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<PostListAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
private lateinit var postList:Sports
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): PostListAdapter.ViewHolder {
val binding: ItemPostBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), R.layout.item_post, parent, false)
return ViewHolder(binding)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: PostListAdapter.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
//Getting error in .isInitialied 'Unresolved reference'
return if(::postList.isInitialized) postList.message.size else 0
fun updatePostList(postList: Sports){
this.postList = postList
class ViewHolder(private val binding:
ItemPostBinding):RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root){ //Getting error in root 'Unresolved reference'
private val viewModel = PostViewModel()
fun bind(post: Sports){
viewModel.bind(post) //Getting error saying No value passed for parameter 'position'
binding.viewModel = viewModel
If you get the Json from server then call it like below:
interface SportsApi {
* Get the Sports from the API
fun getSports(): Observable<Sports>
Or if you want to to check it in locally then you have to convert this Json
Using Gson:
val sports = Gson().fromJson(json, Sports::java.class)
Using Moshi:
val sports = Moshi.Builder().build().adapter(Sports::java.class).fromJson(json)