I've tried to find where this may exist but I don't know the right words to search. I have a simple script that I have had to hardcode to lookup function to return each subsequent value but I need to automate it somehow so that I can simply add a value such as 'quantity' and it would respond with the corresponding values. The JSON file I'm using is
[{"_id": {
"$oid": "5968dd23fc13ae04d9000001"},
"product_name": "sildenafil citrate",
"supplier": "Wisozk Inc", "quantity": 261,
"unit_cost": "$10.47"},
{"_id": {"$oid": "5968dd23fc13ae04d9000002" },
"product_name": "Mountain Juniperus ashei",
"supplier": "Keebler-Hilpert",
"quantity": 292,
"unit_cost": "$8.74"},
{ "_id": {
"$oid": "5968dd23fc13ae04d9000003" },
"product_name": "Dextromathorphan HBr",
"supplier": "Schmitt-Weissnat",
"quantity": 211,
"unit_cost": "$20.53"}]
The current Python 2.7 code I made (with stackoverview help) in Spyder that allows me to return the needed values is:
import json
products = open('C:\Users\*location on my computer*\products.json')
readable_json = json.load(products)
for i in readable_json:
print i['_id'], i['product_name'], i['supplier'], i['quantity'], i['unit_cost']
In the end I want to be able to run my script through something along the lines of "python jsonextractor.py ./products.json product_name, unit_cost" producing the values of product_name and unit_cost. Any help or letting me know where to look is appreciated.
You basically need to learn how to read the command line arguments.
You can refer to the answer here to get some idea: How to read/process command line arguments?