I have created a pipeline build variable "svctag" and assigned its value to blank (empty string). Now trying to execute below script inside a job in yaml file. Every time it prints "svctag is not blank". Not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help.
- ${{ if eq('$(svctag)', '') }}:
- script: echo 'svctag is blank'
- ${{ if ne('$(svctag)', '') }}:
- script: echo 'svctag is not blank'
As I know, this format is only applied in YAML template. Now, the issue is the variable called method you are using is not correct.
You should use the format variables['svctag']
instead of $(svctag)
to access the variable which declared previously while you using YAML.
So, you should change your script as
- ${{ if eq(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is true
- ${{ if ne(variables['svctag'], '') }}:
- script: echo it is false
Here is the output on my side.
Another solution is define svctag
under parameters
svctag: ''
Then use parameters with step:
- ${{ if eq(parameters.svctag, '') }}:
- script: echo it is true
- ${{ if ne(parameters.svctag, '') }}:
- script: echo it is false
Note: Please use parameters.svctag