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Correct way to use @Version

Can someone please tell me how exactly this @Version works for locking? Because I don't see the version field is saved in the Couchbase, but when I retrieve it, this field is populated with some random value.

Should I manually set this value when save? For example, I have a POST and PUT endpoint. if I don't set the version with the existing version number, I will get a DocumentAlready exist error. But for the POST, it is ok the save without setting the version (I guess it will automatically generate the new random value for the new record).


  • In couchbase, each document has some metadata associated with it, ex:

    "cas": 1571854188210290688,
    "expiration": 0,
    "flags": 0,
    "id": "path::3c23b8a1-55ca-4cd9-a3cc-d6641abf1adc",
    "type": "json"

    This data is usually transparent to you if you are using Couchbase with Spring Data, but you can inject it in a field if you need to. That is exactly what happens with the @Id annotation. You don't need to worry with the @Version unless you want to do some optmistic/pessimistic locking.