I have two tables (movies and genders).
"Genders" contains the gender with an ID to identify each (Action = 1, Drama = 2...etc.);
And Peliculas contains many columns with info plus a Gender id which identify the gender of the movie.
I am trying to do a selection where the years are Between xx and xx years (this is done) and at the same time bring up the movies with an specific gender.
I have try many things like this:
select *
from pelicula p
where anio between 1995 and 1996
and select id
from genero g
where g.nombre = "Action" = p.genero_id;
Try using a join.
Select *
from pelicula p
Left Join genero g
p.genero_id = g.id
where anio between 1995 and 1996
and g.nombre = "Action";