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How can I apply the hough circle method to a thresholded image?

I currently have a program that can detect colored balls with openCV and I'd like to add the HoughCircle method to make it better.

I had the idea to apply the HoughCircle method on the thresholded image that i got from the inRange method but unfortunately it does not work. I saw that the HoughCircle method is only taking gray-scale images, is there a way to pass the thresholded image to it ?

this is how I do :

int isBall(Mat threshold){
    Mat temp;
    std::vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(temp, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, temp.rows/8 
                                                    , 100
                                                    , 50 
                                                    , 15 /* min radius */
                                                    , 200 /* max radius */
    printf("nb circles = %d\n", circles.size());
    if(circles.size() > 0){
        return 1;
    return 0;


the thresholded image is coming from :


Here is an example of a thresholded image that i can get :

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • The problem you are facing is related to the parameters used in HoughCircles. You can use the example image just fine if you convert it to a gray-scale one.

    The main culprit is param2=50, that is a threshold for circle centers at detection stage. If you set it to a smaller value, the algorithm will be able to return the circle.

    I have tested HoughCircles() using param2=10 and the result is this:

    enter image description here