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ERROR TypeError: BlinkId is not a constructor Ionic 4

When i try to run this code it crash and say this error:

ERROR TypeError: this.blinkId.BlinkCardOverlaySettings is not a constructor

whats wrong? i think its a plugin problem on the typescript Microblink SDK wrapper this is a sample from BlinkId Plugin

import { BlinkId, RecognizerResultState } from '@ionic-native/blinkid/ngx';
constructor(private blinkId: BlinkId) {}


const overlaySettings = new this.blinkId.BlinkCardOverlaySettings();
const recognizer = new this.blinkId.BlinkCardRecognizer();
recognizer.returnFullDocumentImage = false;
recognizer.detectGlare = true;
recognizer.extractCvv = true;
recognizer.extractValidThru = true;
recognizer.extractOwner = true;

const recognizerCollection =  new this.blinkId.RecognizerCollection([recognizer]);
const canceled = this.blinkId.scanWithCamera(
    ios: 'my key', //iOS License Key
    android: my key' //Android License Key

  if (!canceled) {
    if (recognizer.result.resultState === RecognizerResultState.valid) {
      const results = recognizer.result;

      if (results.resultState === RecognizerResultState.valid) {
        const ccInfo = {
          cardNumber: Number(results.cardNumber),
          expirationMonth: Number(results.validThru.month),
          expirationYear: Number(results.validThru.year),
          cvv: Number(results.cvv)
        console.log("TCL: scan -> ccInfo", ccInfo)


  • Since version 5.0, release only includes Document and BlinkIdOverlay and following reconizers:

    • Machine Readable Travel Document recognizer
    • Passport recognizer
    • Visa recognizer
    • Document face recognizer
    • BlinkID Recognizer
    • BlinkID Combined Recognizer

    In our new sample project, index.js is set on this way:

    We are now distributing full version with all recognizer and overlays included trough our dashboard:

    Simply log in and verify your email and we will enable you full SDK version.

    You can always reach us directly to

    Best regards.

    So i made this plugin