When changing the letter (ي) at the word to the letter (ى) changes and there is no problem, but the problem in changing the letter (ي) in the middles of the letter?
Is there a solution to ignore the middles of the letter?
SET @FullName = 'عبدالله عيد محمد علي'
Select @FullName, REPLACE(@FullName,'ى ','ي ')
-- عبدالله عيد محمد علي
-- عبدالله عىد محمد على
Try using their Unicode equivalents
Select NCHAR(1740) as N'ي فارسي - Persian Ye',
NCHAR(1610) as N'ي عربي - Arabic Ye',
NCHAR(1705) as N'ك فارسي - Persian Ke',
NCHAR(1603) as N'ك عربي - Arabic Ke'
Such as
SET @FullName = N'عبدالله عيد محمد علي'
Select @FullName, REPLACE(@FullName, NCHAR(1610), NCHAR(1740))