I am trying to use the ROT 13 caeser cipher for a college encryption assignement in Python but I have no proper idea as to how it can be used. This is what I tried:
def rot13(s):
type (Alphabets)
Rotate=Alphabets[13:]+ Alphabets[:13]
Reus= lambda a: Rotate[Alphabets.find(a)]
if Alphabets.find(a)>-1:
else: s
return ''.join(Reus(a) for a in s)
Is there any procedural guideline that can explain how to use this cipher? Any help is appreciated. Thank You.
This will encrypt using ROT13. Or any other rotation value you wish to use.
def encrypt(plain, rot):
cipherText = ''
for letter in plain:
if letter in alphabet:
cipherIndex = (alphabet.index(letter) + rot) % 26 # This handles the wrap around
cipherText = cipherText + alphabet[cipherIndex]
cipherText = cipherText + letter # Non alphabet characters are just appended.
return cipherText
plain = 'HELLO WORLD'
rot = 13 # In case you want to change it
print encrypt(plain,rot)