This is NOT a duplicate of How to use conditionals when replacing in Notepad++ via regex as I am asking something very specific here which I cannot implement following the info in that question. So kindly allow this question.
I want to replace a range of characters with a corresponding range of characters. So far, I can only do it with multiple operations.
For example, match any word that starts with a capital Latin character in the range [ABEZHIKMNOPTYXZ]
and is followed by a Greek lowercase letter [α-ωά-ώ]
and replace the character in the first matched group with a similar-looking character but in the Greek range [ΑΒΕΖΗΙΚΜΝΟΡΤΥΧΖ]
(note, they look the same but are different characters).
What I came up so far was multiple replacements, ie.
So that for example: Aνθρώπινος would become Ανθρώπινος
Bάτος would become Βάτος
Preferably this should work in EmEditor, Notepad++ being the 2nd option.
Notepad++ supports conditional replacement, you can use it like:
add the other Greek letters similarlyReplacement:
(?: # start non capture group
(?{1} # if group 1 exists "A"
Α # replace with greek letter
: # else
(?{2} # if group 2 exists "B"
Β # replace with greek letter
: # else
(?{3} # and so on ...
) # end non capture group
(?= # positive lookahead, make sure we have after:
[α-ωά-ώ] # a small greek letter
) # end lookahead
I've made a test but for only for 2 letters "A" and "B" and replace them with more visual different letters "X" and "Y" just to show the way it works.
Screen capture (before):
Screen capture (after):