I would like to find a better way to achieve the following:
n = 6
k = 1
Flip the 1st significant bit in 6
Variable Binary representation Decimal Representation
n 110 6
m(result) 010 2
I would like to achive the same as in this wiki article
Here is what I did, but I find it a bit overkill, an unefficient:
def toggleKthSignificantBit(self, n, k):
tmp = list(bin(n)[2:].zfill(3))
tmp[k-1] = str(int(tmp[k-1]) ^ 1)
tmp2 = ''.join(tmp)
return int(tmp2, 2)
After doing some examination, I found a solution for my question:
However, I think I find a equivalent solution:
n ^ (2**(butterfly_rank - k))