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Operator with two last elements from Observable in RxSwift

I have an observable sequence of Ints:


For example, I need to detect when the previous element was bigger than the last one.

In this sequence it's (6, 3) and (5, 1):


Which operator I can use in this case?


  • Yes scan is operator you looking for:

    let stream = Observable<Int>.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1])
    let seed = (0, 0) // (any Int, Int that smaller of all possible values of first emited Int)
    let wrongPairs = stream
        .scan(seed) { last, new -> (Int, Int) in
            return (last.1, new)
        .filter { $0.0 > $0.1 }

    With scan we map stream of Ints to stream of Int pairs and then filter all pairs that are "good" (previous element if smaller or equal):

    -(0, 1)-(1, 2)-(2, 3)-(3, 4)-(4, 5)-(5, 6)-(6, 3)-(3, 4)-(4, 5)-(5, 1)-
    -(6, 3)-(5, 1)-

    Disadvantage of scan that you need initial number to start with, which can be problematic in some cases, but if your stream always emit positive numbers -1 will work.