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QFrame With Title

I need to implement a QFrame that has a title (see image). However, after reading QFrame's documentation and trying to re-implement the paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) method, I failed to find any solution.

I was wondering if any of you could provide a small exemple demonstrating how I can achieve somthing like this:

enter image description here

Thank you!


  • As an alternative to creating your own compound widget you might be able to use the contents margins to fake a title bar...

    #include <QFont>
    #include <QFrame>
    #include <QPainter>
    class titled_frame: public QFrame {
        using super = QFrame;
        explicit titled_frame (const QString &title = "A Title Here", QWidget *parent = nullptr)
            : super(parent)
            , m_title(title)
                 * Set the top margin based on the font height.
                setContentsMargins(0, 2 * fontInfo().pixelSize(), 0, 0);
        virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) override
                 * Draw the title centred in the top margin.
                QPainter painter(this);
                QRect title_rect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(width(), contentsMargins().top()));
                painter.fillRect(title_rect, Qt::blue);
                painter.drawText(title_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_title);
                 * Defer to the base class implementation to update everything else.
        QString m_title;

    Then use as...

    titled_frame tf("A Title Here");
    auto *layout = new QVBoxLayout(&tf);
    layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Any QLayout or QWidget here..."));;