Git is essential to my workflow. I run MSYS Git on Windows XP on my quad core machine with 3GB of RAM, and normally it is responsive and zippy.
Suddenly an issue has cropped up whereby it takes >30 seconds to run any command from the Git Bash command prompt, including ls
or cd
. Interestingly, from the bash prompt it looks likes ls
runs fairly quickly, I can then see the output from ls
, but it then takes ~30 seconds for the prompt to return. If I switch to the windows command prompt (by running cmd
from the start menu) git related commands also take forever, even just to run. For example git status
can take close to a minute before anything happens. Sometimes the processes simply don't finish.
Note that I have "MSYS Git" installed as well as regular "MSYS" for things like MinGW
and make
I believe the problem is related to sh.exe
located in C:\Program Files\Git\bin
. When I run ls
from the bash prompt, or when I invoke git
from the windows prompt, task manager shows up to four instances of sh.exe
processes that come and go.
Here I am waiting for ls
to return and you can see the task manager has git.exe
running and four instances of sh.exe
If I ctrl-c
in the middle of an ls
I sometimes get errors that include:
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
0 [main] sh.exe" 1624 proc_subproc: Couldn't duplicate my handle<0x6FC> fo
r pid 6052, Win32 error 5
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Or for git status
$ git status
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
sh.exe": fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Can I fix this so that git runs quickly again, and if so how?
Things I have tried:
I'd very much like to not wipe my box and reinstall Windows, but I will if I can't get this fixed. I can no longer code if it takes me >30 s to run git status
or cd.
Usually when a program takes 30 seconds to do something that should be instantaneous, it's more likely to be an I/O timeout problem, usually network, rather than the speed of your CPU or the amount of RAM you have. You may wonder how the network is involved, but that's a legitimate question (I wouldn't know for your system either).
Msysgit installs a special prompt that runs a special function __git_ps1
that shows some useful information in the prompt. You can see this using echo $PS1
, for my system this shows:
$ echo $PS1
\[\033]0;$MSYSTEM:\w\007 \033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w$(__git_ps1)\033[0m\] $
This extra information is totally optional and you can turn it off. So try the following in an Msysgit window:
$ PS1='$ '
This will reset the prompt to the default $
and not try to run and commands inside the prompt. If this solves your delay problem, then it's likely to be the __git_ps1
function. Try running it manually:
$ __git_ps1
and see how long it takes to return.
You can fix this by removing the line that invokes __git_ps1
from C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile
#Comment the lines below
#\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w$(__git_ps1)\033[0m\]
#$ '