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Cant access custom Front Matter variables

Am creating my first Jekyll (using version 4.0.0) powered site. Problem is the variables in Front Matter are not recognized.

HTML in _includes (writing-post-featured-image.html)

    <img class="feat-img" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/{{ include.images }}" alt="{{ include.alt | default: 'lorem ipsum' }}" />
    <figcaption>{{ include.caption }}</figcaption>

In _layout having layout for text based post pages (writings-post.html)

{% include writing-post-featured-image.html image=post.featured-image alt=post.featured-image-alt %}

Last, in .md file (under _posts) the following Front Matter

layout: writings-post
title: my title
permalink: /writings/:title
featured-image: photo.jpg
featured-image-alt: about photo
caption: photo caption

Output is empty

    <img class="feat-img" src="" alt="lorem ipsum" />

Please help understanding why so. Thanks in advance.


  • Your syntax is incorrect.

    1.) As your passing variables from your page, your include tag should look like this :

     {% include writing-post-featured-image.html 
        caption=page.caption %}

    2.) In your include you have a syntax problem with include.images that should be include.image.

    Note : as you're passing existing variables (not computed ones), you can skip passing them to your include, because from within an include you can see page's variables.

     {% include writing-post-featured-image.html %}

    And your include :

        <img class="feat-img" 
             src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/{{ page.featured-image }}" 
             alt="{{ page.featured-image | default: 'lorem ipsum' }}" />
        <figcaption>{{ page.caption }}</figcaption>