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ESP-WROOM-02D unable to communicate using AT commands

I am unable to communicate with with my device over serial. I am using the Arduino serial monitor ( tried on three different computers ) with the specified baud rate of 115200 and have played around with various others. What i'm trying to do is just send basic AT commands before integrating the chip into my embedded device. I am using usb UART to communicate with this module.

I have tried following the instructions; as mentioned default baud is 115200 and various others just in case, checked my physical wires multiple times and tried on different computers (OS's) with no luck - the only think I am able to get back is 'ready' when I click the reset button while plugged in.

Could someone please offer me some advice on how to approach this or what could be going wrong? I have tried this on 2 different wifi modules ( same make and model ) with the same results I do not understand what i'm doing wrong.


  • reconnected the 5 V line it seemed to not have been optimal contact. When this was satisfied I had to set the mode like this AT+CWMODE=3 and this seemed to do the trick.. after I was able to scan my network using AT+CWLAP and set my network using AT+CWJAP="ssid","password" still have a few challenges using this (http requests) but as of now this post can be closed and hopefully help someone else out in the future.