I manage to make a connection to a Google Cloud Datastore databased. Now I want to get some entities given their Key/Id. Right now I am doing the following:
from google.cloud import datastore
client = datastore.Client()
query = client.query(kind='City')
query.key_filter("325899977574122") -> Exception here
I get "Invalid key: '325899977574122'". What could be the cause of error? That Id exist, a city does have that key/Id.
It looks like it needs to be of type google.cloud.datastore.key.Key
Also, 325899977574122
is probably supposed to be cast to a long
So something like this:
client = datastore.Client()
query = client.query(kind='City')
query.key_filter(Key('City', 325899977574122L, project=project))
Also if youre trying to retrieve a single id, you should probably use this:
client = datastore.Client()
client.get(Key('City', 325899977574122L, project=project))
Fetching by ID is faster than doing a query