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Account Linking response for Actions On Google not correct in Hindi

I am making custom Google Action and in my app I am using account linking. The response for when Google asks the user for confirmation in English is Correct but the same in Hindi is not.

English Account Linking question by Google:

To get your account details, I need to link your my test app account to Google. Is that okay?

Hindi Account Linking question by Google :

अपने खाते का विवरण प्राप्त करने के लिए, मुझे आपके टेस्ट ऐप्लिकेशन खाते को Google से जोड़ना होगा। आपको इससे कोई समस्या तो नहीं है?`

So in English response, I will reply back 'Yes' or 'Okay' if I don't have any problem in linking my account. But in Hindi, the response for the question asked ideally would be 'नहीं', for which Google takes it as a no and cancels the account linking process. I cannot modify the response as this is the default response from Google.

Can someone please help me with what to do with this problem.


  • Please file an issue with the Actions on Google support team: