I have a column of a list object with some non empty values at the beginning. Just assume the first 15 values are not blank.
I know it is possible to pass the values of a range to an array like this:
Dim mylistObject As ListObject
Set mylistObject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("training").ListObjects(1)
Dim theArray() As Variant
theArray = mylistObject.listcolumn(1).DataBodyRange.value
The question is how can I pass only the non blank values. I know how to do it with loops but the key point here is speed, if the listobject has hundreds of rows and the operation is done tens of times it takes too long.
I also know that it might be possible to calculate the number of non blank cells and redim the array accordingly and loop through values. still not elegant.
Any idea? there should be a way to tell in VBA language
' but not all the range but the non empty ones.
Thanks a lot
Using the possibilities of the Application.Index
Demonstrate an easy approach to create and transform the listbox'es column data Array:
Get all data of first column (including blanks) as already shown in the original post (BTW the correct syntax in the array assignment is theArray = mylistObject.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value
with a final "s" in .ListColumns
Eliminate blank row numbers using the advanced features of the Application.Index
function and a subordinated function call (getNonBlankRowNums()
Basic transformation syntax by one code line:
newArray = Application.Index(oldArray, Application.Transpose(RowArray), ColumnArray)
where RowArray / ColumnArray stands for an array of (remaining) row or column numbers.
Related link: Some peculiarities of the the Application.Index function
Sub NonBlanks()
' Note: encourageing to reference a sheet via CodeName instead of Thisworkbook.Worksheets("training")
' i.e. change the (Name) property in the VBE properties tool window (F4) for the referenced worksheet
' (c.f. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58507542/set-up-variable-to-refer-to-sheet/58508735#58508735)
Dim mylistObject As ListObject
Set mylistObject = training.ListObjects(1)
' [1] Get data of first column (including blanks)
Dim theArray As Variant
theArray = mylistObject.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value ' LISTCOLUMNS with final S!!
' [2] eliminate blank row numbers
theArray = Application.Index(theArray, Application.Transpose(getNonBlankRowNums(theArray)), Array(1))
End Sub
Function getNonBlankRowNums(arr, Optional ByVal col = 1) As Variant()
' Purpose: return 1-dim array with remaining non-blank row numbers
Dim i&, ii&, tmp
ReDim tmp(1 To UBound(arr))
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
If arr(i, col) <> vbNullString Then ' check for non-blanks
ii = ii + 1 ' increment temporary items counter
tmp(ii) = i ' enter row number
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve tmp(1 To ii) ' redim to final size preserving existing items
' return function value (variant array)
getNonBlankRowNums = tmp
End Function