I am having a problem trying to show a simple plot graph with results from 3 teams, it can't convert to ColumnDataSource, your help is appreciated!!
I am new to Bokeh, and Python in general, and could use some tips if this code has some serious issues!
#importing libraries
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.io import output_file, show
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
# initialize list of lists
data = [['HR', 68, 76], ['MA', 69, 72], ['FI', 70, 74]]
# Create the pandas DataFrame
dfTeam = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['name', 'current_score', 'previous_score'])
# assign a color code
colormap={'HR':'red', 'MA':'green','FI':'blue'}
dfTeam['color']=[colormap[x] for x in dfTeam['name']]
####define the output file path
###create figure object
###adding glyphs
f.circle(x='current_score', y='previous_score',
fill_alpha=0.2, color='color', legend='HR', source='HRsrc')
f.circle(x='current_score', y='previous_score',
fill_alpha=0.2, color='color', legend='MA', source='MAsrc')
f.circle(x='current_score', y='previous_score',
fill_alpha=0.2, color='color', legend='FI', source='FIsrc')
##save and show the figure
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
bokeh's columndatasource is an object wrapper. From the docs:
At the most basic level, a ColumnDataSource is simply a mapping between column names and lists of data. The ColumnDataSource takes a data parameter which is a dict, with string column names as keys and lists (or arrays) of data values as values.
In your case, you've put quotes around source='HRsrc')
which means that python think's it's a string.
Remove the quotes around each variable name in source=
to get your plot.