According to the docs I should be able to register an EC2 instance with the elb_instance module, but the play fails with ELB Staging1 does not exist
. For sanity check I've tried with the AWS CLI tool, but that fails with An error occurred (LoadBalancerNotFound) when calling the RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer operation: There is no ACTIVE Load Balancer named 'Staging1'
. As a plot twist:
also lists itec2_elb_facts
does not list it (it only list classic ELBs that I have)It seems like application load balancers are only supported in newer api version and the module or cli were not meant to work with it. However I cannot find an explicit mention that they should not work. I'm also aware of elbv2
command, but it doesn't seem to offer a way to register instances to an ELB.
What am I missing here guys?
Ansible task that I wrote:
- name: Register instances in the ALB
module: elb_instance
aws_access_key: "{{ aws_credentials.access_key_id }}"
aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_credentials.secret_access_key }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
instance_id: "{{ item.instance_ids.0 }}"
ec2_elbs: "Staging1"
state: present
wait: yes
loop: "{{ new_instances.results }}"
alternative with aws
cli tool (doesn't work either):
- name: Register instance in ALB workaround
command: "aws elb register-instances-with-load-balancer --load-balancer-name Staging1 --instances {{ instance_ids | join(' ') }}"
AWS_REGION: "{{ aws_region }}"
AWS_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ aws_credentials.access_key_id }}"
AWS_SECRET_KEY: "{{ aws_credentials.secret_access_key }}"
elbv2 does offer a way to register targets to an elb. You do so by:
There are examples of doing this in the links I've provided.