I want to parse driverDocumentDetails
like an Array.
JSON is implemented from android (Java) HashMap data structure Angular Firestore MAP inside MAP
"documentCategoryName":"Pan Card",
"documentCategoryName":"Driving License",
onCustom(recordRow) {
console.log("onCustom Driver docs data---->",recordRow);
this.crudService.ReadDriverDocuments(recordRow.data.id).subscribe(data => {
this.driverDocument = data.data();
You can use Object.keys
to get the keys and then map it into a new array:
var driverDocumentDetailsArray = Object.keys(this.driverDocument.driverDocumentDetails)
.map(key => this.driverDocument.driverDocumentDetails[key]);
Or if it's available, just Object.values
var driverDocumentDetailsArray = Object.values(this.driverDocument.driverDocumentDetails);