Quick question. I'm using rundeck 3.1.2-20190927 installed via the yum repo on Centos7/RHEL7.
I'm trying to generate the MD5 password using the command line but it looks like its only through the interactive prompts using the WAR file.
ie: java -jar rundeck-3.1.2-20190927.war --encryptpwd Jetty
Is there a way I can feed it the username/password so I can grep out the MD5 hash instead of having to do this interactively? The documentation is a bit of a mess and I'm seeing references to jetty-all JAR being able to do this but that file isn't in the bootstrap directory, just the WAR.
You can use expect as inline script or "external" script to do that without any interaction
spawn java -jar rundeckpro-cluster-3.1.2-20190927.war --encryptpwd Jetty
expect -exact "Username (Optional, but necessary for Crypt encoding):"
send -- "user\r"
expect -exact "*Value To Encrypt (The text you want to encrypt):"
send -- "user\r"
expect eof