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what's cleanest way in adding local windows firewall rules with powershell

I have written the following simple script that reads a csv file then iterates through each and adds in some firewall rules to a local machine.

I wanted to know if this the 'cleanest' way of achieving this. (i know there is gpo etc) but I am trying more of my powershell. I'll also try and add a check if the rule names already exist or not.

$rulenames = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\newrulenames.csv"

ForEach ($name in $rulenames) {
    New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $name.DisplayName -Name $name.Name -Enabled $name.Enabled -Profile $name.Profile -Direction $name.Direction -Action $name.Action -Protocol $name.Protocol -Program $name.Program -EdgeTraversalPolicy $name.EdgeTraversalPolicy


  • GPO seems like the way to go really but since you already are aware of that and are trying out PowerShell...

    In cases like this I personally like to use something called splatting (see about_Splatting) since it improves script readability quite a bit in my opinion. For your particular code it could look something like this;

    $rulenames = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\newrulenames.csv"
    foreach($name in $rulenames)
            DisplayName = $name.DisplayName
            Name = $name.Name
            Enabled = $name.Enabled
            Profile = $name.Profile
            Direction = $name.Direction
            Action = $name.Action
            Protocol = $name.Protocol
            Program = $name.Program
            EdgeTraversalPolicy = $name.EdgeTraversalPolicy
        New-NetFirewallRule @ruleProps

    And, in order to run some checks (rule name as you mentioned for instance) this could be done right away within the hashtable. For instance you could do something like this;

        DisplayName = $name.DisplayName
        Name = if(Get-NetFireWallRule -Name $name.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { "$($name.Name)-2" } else { $ }
        Enabled = $name.Enabled
        Profile = $name.Profile
        Direction = $name.Direction
        Action = $name.Action
        Protocol = $name.Protocol
        Program = $name.Program
        EdgeTraversalPolicy = $name.EdgeTraversalPolicy

    In this hashtable example we run a check right away if we get a hit on that particular rule name. If it's a hit, we add -2 to the end of the name, else we name it as originally intended.

    Alrighty, that was my lunch break - I will check back if you have any follow up questions and double check if I had any typos, sloppy mistakes or whatever, just figured I'd give you an idea of what you can do.

    Edit: Well I came back sooner than I had imagined. In the second hashtable example, quite a bit of the improved readability I mentioned in example 1 actually gets lost. Maybe not with only the one name check but certainly so if you run multiple checks. It will most likely still work but - as I said - the readability might suffer.