How to implement unit test for a fatalError
code path in Swift?
For example, I've the following swift code
func divide(x: Float, by y: Float) -> Float {
guard y != 0 else {
fatalError("Zero division")
return x / y
I want to unit test the case when y = 0.
Note, I want to use fatalError not any other assertion function.
Nimble ("A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C") got your back :
Swift Assertions
If you're using Swift, you can use the throwAssertion matcher to check if an assertion is thrown (e.g. fatalError()). This is made possible by @mattgallagher's CwlPreconditionTesting library.
// Swift
// Passes if 'somethingThatThrows()' throws an assertion,
// such as by calling 'fatalError()' or if a precondition fails:
expect { try somethingThatThrows() }.to(throwAssertion())
expect { () -> Void in fatalError() }.to(throwAssertion())
expect { precondition(false) }.to(throwAssertion())
// Passes if throwing an NSError is not equal to throwing an assertion:
expect { throw NSError(domain: "test", code: 0, userInfo: nil) }.toNot(throwAssertion())
// Passes if the code after the precondition check is not run:
var reachedPoint1 = false
var reachedPoint2 = false
expect {
reachedPoint1 = true
precondition(false, "condition message")
reachedPoint2 = true
expect(reachedPoint1) == true
expect(reachedPoint2) == false
- This feature is only available in Swift.
- It is only supported for x86_64 binaries, meaning you cannot run this matcher on iOS devices, only simulators.
- The tvOS simulator is supported, but using a different mechanism, requiring you to turn off the Debug executable scheme setting for your tvOS scheme's Test configuration.