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Adding column lines to css grid system

I would like to show some of grid columns as line. I have tried to make it with grid gap, but in this way the position of the elements in the div changes.

In Css

  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(365, 1fr);
  border: 1px solid black;

In Html

<div class="MyTable"></div>

For example: I would like to see column lines for every 7th index of grid even if there is no item inside of div element.

Example apperance

Thank you in advance.


  • Maybe help you

    .MyTable {
      width: auto;
      height: 1000px;
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: repeat(365, 1fr);
      counter-reset: counter -1;
      margin-top: 1.5em;
    div {
      border: 1px solid black;
      width: 1em;
      counter-increment: counter;
    .MyTable div:nth-child(7n) {
      border-color: red;
      position: relative;
    .MyTable div:nth-child(7n)::before {
      content: counter(counter);
      position: absolute;
      top: -1.4em;
    <div class="MyTable">